Friday, January 27, 2012

Food for Thought

My mommy friends and I are always trading meal ideas for our toddlers. One day they will eat everything in the house, their bellies are like a bottom-less pit, the next they won't eat a crumb. Well with the exception of goldfish crackers.... There isn't a toddler out there that would turn down some yummy extra cheddar goldfish. See that's the thing with toddlers. They eat for one purpose only and that is to satisfy their hunger. Refuel, recharge, rebel!  Anyways, I don't push the food issue, because toddlers just LOVE not doing what you want them if you haven't already figured that one out!
So this is what we packed in our lunch for our playdate at the park yesterday:
Carrots, spinach, and cheese with a little ranch dressing.
They had almond milk to drink. They love when they get to have almond milk, it's a nice change from cow's milk and it's delicious. Not to mention, it is rich with antioxidant vitamin E and has 50% more calcium than milk.

Whatcha gonna do with all that junk?

This is my diaper bag:

and this is my diaper bag on kids:

After getting back from and outing and having collected the trail of stuff that keeps magically appearing on the ground as they make their way from the car up the driveway into the garage then into the house. Poor, sweet Elmo, we had a 3 minute throw down, which by the way made us late because we just couldn't bear the thought of leaving him behind all by himself...all for him to be left laying helplessly in the middle of the drive way. Then of course a shoe. I am totally convinced there is a conspiracy involving kids shoes and baby socks. ..because the things just won't stay on, no matter how tight you tie them on or how strong your glue is (just kiddng...but it has crossed my mind...more than once). Don't forget the sippy cups. They get tossed the second after they are empty and my neighbors are seeing things they don't want to particularly see as I am bending over to find them since they always tend to end up under the seats of the car.  I heard it has something to do with the earth's magnetic pull.

All in all we had a great day. If you live in Wilmington you must check out the Children's Museum,  or check out a children's museum near you!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Save your paper towel and toilet paper rolls.
Seriously? Yes! There is so much you can do with them, it will blow your mind... Be on the lookout for a chance to use them in a cute Valentine's  Day project any grandmother would love!

Sensory box with colored rice

Sensory activity with colored rice

This is so simple to do, and more than likely you already have everything you need!
-food coloring
-rubbing alcohol
-a mason jar, or plastic baggies

Add 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol to your jar and add food coloring for desired color. Then 1 cup of rice, close and shake until well coated.

Lay flat on paper towel lined baking sheets to dry.

I dries pretty fast so you can start playing in no time! Add a few objects and you are good to go. You can do so many things with this activity. Use refrigerator magnets to learn letters, number, to spell their name.....get creative!

Don't sweat it if you do not have a mason jar laying around, plastic baggies work just as good. It is a little messier but it works. I don't see why you couldn't use a plastic container with a lid, you got to have a spare one of those lying around!



 My name is Annie. I have almost two year old twin daughters. I have always enjoyed DIY projects, especially those that are affordable and include recycling things that you already have lying around the house.
Now that I have two toddlers, what better way to keep them busy while incorporating learning than to get their minds engaged while getting their little hands dirty in a good old fashioned craft!
There are tons of blogs/websites out there with thousands of project ideas. I would find myself searching site after site to find a project that I can do by using what I already have without having to go out and buy supplies. So I finally decided to collaborate these projects along with my own and put them all in one place.
So get busy you crafty mom you!